Made to Worship, Pt.1
Welyar Kauntu
Song type

Tuhan Kupercaya

Shinta Rosari, Made to Worship, Pt.1

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Key: Bb
Bb Eb Bb
Di saat ku bimbang
Bb Eb Bb
Saat ku tertekan
Dm D Gm
Dan tak ada seorangpun
Cm F
Mau menolongku
Bb Eb Bb
PadaMu ya Tuhan
Bb Eb Bb
Mataku memandang
Dm D Gm
Sbab pertolongan bagiku
Cm F
Hanya dariMu
Bb Eb Bb
Tuhan ku percaya
Bb F Gm
TanganMu menjaga
EbMaj7 Ebm Dm7 Gm7
Yang berharap kepada-Mu
C C7 F
Takkan Kau biarkan
Bb Eb Bb
Tuhan ku percaya
Bb F Gm
JanjiMu setia
EbMaj7 Ebm Dm7 Gm7
Tetap ku hidup bagiMu
Cm7 F Bb
Sampai selamanya
© 2017 Maranatha Indonesia.


Welyar Kauntu

Shinta Rosari


Welyar Kauntu

Welyar Kauntu

Gloria Trio

Shinta Rosari

This song also appears on other albums

Mujizat Masih Ada,  Vol.8
Mujizat Masih Ada, Vol.8 by Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo
Saat Teduh, Vol. 10
Saat Teduh, Vol. 10 by Gloria Trio
Healing Worship (The Best Of Welyar Kauntu, Vol. 1)
Healing Worship (The Best Of Welyar Kauntu, Vol. 1) by Welyar Kauntu
50 Golden Songs, Pt.5
50 Golden Songs, Pt.5 by Welyar Kauntu
Healing Worship (The Best of Welyar Kauntu, Vol.1)
Healing Worship (The Best of Welyar Kauntu, Vol.1) by Welyar Kauntu