Charlotte Church (US version)
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Lo! How A Rose E'er Blooming

Charlotte Church, Charlotte Church (US version)

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Transpose chords
Key: C
C F Am7 Em Am
Lo, how a Rose e’er bloom-ing
Dm7 G6 G7 C
from tender stem hath sprung!
C F Am7 Em Am
Of Jesse’s line-age co - ming
Dm7 G6 G7 C
As men of old have sung
C D D7 G
It came, a floweret bright,
C F Am7 Em Am
Amid the cold of win-ter
Dm7 G6 G7 C
When half spent was the night.
C F Am7 Em Am
Isaiah ’twas fore-told it
Dm7 G6 G7 C
The Rose I have in mind;
C F Am7 Em Am
With Mary we be-hold it
Dm7 G6 G7 C
The vir-gin mother kind
C D D7 G
To show God’s love aright,
C F Am7 Em Am
She bore to men a Sa-vior
Dm7 G6 G7 C
When half spent was the night.
C F Am7 Em Am
The shepherds heard the sto-ry
Dm7 G6 G7 C
Pro-claimed by angels bright
C F Am7 Em
How Christ, the Lord of glo - ry
Am Dm7 G6 G7 C
Was born on earth this night
C D D7 G
To Bethle-hem they sped
C F Am7 Em Am
And in the man-ger found Him
Dm7 G6 G7 C
As angel heralds said.
C F Am7 Em Am
This Flower, whose frag-rance ten-der
Dm7 G6 G7 C
with sweetness fills the air,
C F Am7 Em Am
Dispels with glor-ious splen-dor
Dm7 G6 G7 C
the darkness everywhere;
C D D7 G
True Man, yet very God,
C F Am7 Em
From sin and death He saves us,
Am Dm7 G6 C
And lightens every load.
C F Am7 Em Am
O Savior, Child of Ma-ry,
Dm7 G6 G7 C
Who felt our human woe,
C F Am7 Em Am
O Savior, King of glor - y,
Dm7 G6 G7 C
who dost our weakness know;
C D D7 G
Bring us at length we pray,
C F Am7 Em Am
To the bright courts of Hea-ven,
Dm7 G6 G7 C
And to the endless day!
© 1998 Charlotte Church


Charlotte Church


Charlotte Church