Healing Worship (The Best Of Welyar Kauntu, Vol. 1)
Welyar Kauntu
Song type

Apapun Yang Terjadi

Welyar Kauntu, Healing Worship (The Best Of Welyar Kauntu, Vol. 1)

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Key: C
C Em F Em
Apapun yang terjadi di dalam hidupku
Dm Em F G
Selalu kuberkata Tuhan Yesus baik
C Em F D7
Dalam segala hal yang terjadi
C/G Am Dm G C
Tetap kuberkata Tuhan Yesus baik
F G/F Em Am
Kusembah Kau kusembah Kau
Dm G C
Tak dapat kumembalas kasihMu
F E7 Am F
Kusembah Kau kusembah Kau Bapa
Dm G C
Kurindu selalu menyenangkanMu
© 2015 Maranatha Indonesia


Niko Njotorahardjo


Welyar Kauntu

Niko Njotorahardjo

This song also appears on other albums

Mujizat Masih Ada,  Vol.8
Mujizat Masih Ada, Vol.8 by Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo
Mujizat Masih Ada,  Vol.8
Mujizat Masih Ada, Vol.8 by Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo
50 Golden Songs, Pt.5
50 Golden Songs, Pt.5 by Welyar Kauntu
Healing Worship (The Best of Welyar Kauntu, Vol.1)
Healing Worship (The Best of Welyar Kauntu, Vol.1) by Welyar Kauntu